Sunday, September 27, 2009

Technology...Where Would We Be Without It?

Technology. I love it, but it doesn't always love me. Or at least that is the way I feel at times, but I know that I would be lost without it. It is a part of our lives that is here to stay, well, until it changes and advances again. It is what our kids are used to though. Even though it can be a little more challenging to some of us, we need to shift in that direction and provide our students what they need and want and what engages them. I think it may partially be a fear of the unknown. For example, I was dragging my feet with just creating this blog. In hindsight, I don't know what I was scare of; it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. I even thought, "Wow, that was easy." I know I need to continue to learn more about it and use more of the gadgets that are available. I think a big part of it is getting our feet wet and finding what is useful and user friendly for us. I also signed up for a Twitter account, but I feel I'm a Twitter isn't one of those items I find myself going back to. I know there is a lot that is offered from it, I just need to figure out how I want to use it and when. I think that is true for many of us.

I am very excited about the goals that have been set by each person in our school. We are moving in the right direction, one day at a time, a few steps at a time, and for some, by leaps and bounds! I encourage you to continue growing and learning with and about technology. I am your cheerleader!


  1. I agree with your take on technology. Not that long ago, my husband and I would call the boys up to help us get something recorded on TV. But, with them heading off to college, we decided we better learn for ourselves. I have even started 'texting' using T9 all the time. I feel so 'with it'.

    Lives for our students and children are changing. The challenge of keeping up with our technology and teaching students to use it for their advantage and our advantage as a learning tool it great!
