"According to Marzano's original meta-analysis (l998), using graphic representations had one of the highest impacts on student achievement." Inspiration, Microsoft Word Drawing toolbar, and SmartTools with SmartBoards are mentioned as excellent resources for non-linguistic representation. It is encouraging that these tools are at our fingertips and technology can be incorporated into existing lessons. I especially like the sound of Inspiration's Template folder that can be used for vocabulary. This would be a meaningful and engaging method to introduce and/or review vocabulary. The cause and effect graphic organizer in Word would deepen understanding.
"Research indicates that multimedia has the most effect on student learning when the student is the creator (Siegle & Foster, 2000). Once again, I feel lucky that we have items in place to help with this. Flip video cameras, the digital camera and movie maker are all tools we can use to enhance student learning.
Note-taking and summarizing are skills students need to perfect since they will be using these throughout their educational career. Once again, many of these tools are items we already have. I like the idea of AutoSummarize in Word and using pictographs and Blogs.
I'm excited about the technology that is being used in all our classes! I know change is not always easy but this is what is best for kids. As Frederick Wilcox said, "Progress involves risk. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."